What are the benefits of running?

We all have a good reason to go for a run, whether it’s for physical or mental well-being. But to motivate yourself better, the ideal is to know the real benefits of regular jogging. 

Below are 10 good reasons to go for a run

  1. To preserve your overall health and boost your immune system.

In general, it is no longer necessary to prove that sport and running can preserve one’s health. It is always worth remembering that inactivity combined with poor food hygiene are at the root of the main health problems of so-called modern societies with cardiovascular diseases in the first place.

Sport should also be reimbursed by social security because no drug can claim, today, to compete in the ratio of benefits to risks that physical activity provides on the vast majority of health expenses (depression, sleep disorders, cardiovascular diseases, stress, etc …).

  1. To refine your figure

Running is undoubtedly one of the most calorie-burning sports. It allows you to burn fat but also to refine your figure by muscling it harmoniously but we will come back a little lower in our “4th reason to run”.

  1. To lose  weight

Some will tell you, “running doesn’t lose pounds!” and they may be partly right in some cases that we will explain below but in the background and in the long run we can say that doing it regularly makes you lose pounds

Of course, weight loss is not mainly played out in caloric expenditure but also in intakes. With a balanced and varied diet that meets your needs without exceeding them, you will inevitably lose pounds if you are overweight and you go jogging.

However, it makes perfect sense for some to gain some weight in a natural transition phenomenon between muscle gain and fat loss. To find out if you lose fat, the best measure is that of a seamstress meter to measure your thigh diameter and abdominal belt, you will then see that you may have gained a few grams but that your body is refined and becomes more aesthetic.

  1. To regain breath and to strengthen cardiovascular capacity and endurance!

You will gradually see the effects on your breath in everyday life when you climb stairs or just when you play with your children.

The power of good oxygenation of the body is limitless. Its role is crucial in the proper functioning of your organization as a whole but also in areas that you may not know about. Did you know, for example, that fat burning is facilitated by good oxygenation?

Let’s take the example of a candle that you put under a glass, it will gradually go out as soon as it no longer has an oxygen supply. The burning of fat is totally comparable to burning the wax of a candle, although more complex.

Fats, unlike sugars, need oxygen to burn. Therefore, fat burning is not the same in a totally breathless beginner athlete and a confirmed sportsman on the other hand because the latter has more developed aerobic abilities therefore better oxygenation during exercise, and on the other hand, because his muscle mass will need to consume more fat to provide energy.

You see, by example, the virtuous circle of sport in the medium and long term. That’s why if you start running again, go at your own pace without running out of breath, don’t hesitate to alternate walking and running, your body will do the rest and you will gradually feel your breath improve with time. Never forget that to start running, you need to take the time, spare your mount and keep regularity in training (ideally 3 times a week).

  1. To improve your mind, your mood, and get rid of stress

It is widely proven and demonstrated that sport is the first natural antidepressant with sunlight. 

Running and in general, is a physical activity that plays a positive role on the secretion of mood-promoting hormones. It will not have escaped you, for those who already practice physical activity on a regular basis, that after the exercise, you may feel a certain euphoria.

Another positive point of running on the mind is its ability to restore confidence, to regain positivism but also to generate an opportunity to vent tensions, frustrations and from a general point of view, to fight against stress and anxiety.

  1. It is free and it’s the cheapest sport

Of course, you have to buy the right shoes (do not neglect this purchase!) and some breathable outfits that you will choose depending on the season and the weather but unlike other sports, doing it is totally free and you can practice this sport wherever you are and when you like it.

  1. To look good and have beautiful skin

When you run in the open and even in winter, you will expose yourself to the benefits of the sun rays and your skin will reap all the benefits.

Another action that many of you may not know is the role of perspiration! This mechanism performs better than the best peelings because your pores will be cleaned with additional elimination of toxins that tire your skin. In conclusion, your skin will be regenerated and smoother.

  1. To make acquaintances and friends

Have you ever noticed a fascinating thing? If you walk around, people rarely say hello. Now let’s look at the joggers, some of them extraterrestrials but you’ll see, they’re often courteous to each other, they say hello to each other and cross paths.

In our society, let’s say, quite individualistic, jogging is also a social bond whether it is practiced alone or by the group.

  1. To set goals

If you put on the sneakers you last put on, more than 2 years ago, your first goal must be simple; not to force, go quiet so as not to break stupidly from the start. “Who wants to go far cleans his mount!”

After a few weeks of training, you can already set distance goals, time and after a few months, maybe you will want to have fun with friends during a race as there is a multitude. And who knows, maybe you’ll one day set yourself the goal of the marathon!

  1. To tone the body, promote bone strengthening, and stay young

This is our last reason to run but probably the most motivating, that of staying young (certainly impossible) so we will say aging less quickly or delay aging. The action of sport delays the aging process and especially with regard to the muscular and bone parts of the body. 

What are the drawbacks?

Running is a dynamic sport with many health benefits. However, if you are overweight or have lower limb problems, it is best to seek medical advice. Sprinting can easily expose you to injury and problems in the back, tendons, or joints.