Why is it important to Run

Why is it important to Run

Running is one of the easiest and most accessible types of physical activity. It is practiced by professional athletes and beginners, children and adults, those who are “on the mass” and those who are “on the dryer” – in general, everything. In this material, we have collected 10 reasons for you to wear sneakers and right now go for a run. Read and run!

Many people use jogging only as a cardio or warm-up before power, not realizing to the end, how many advantages has a regular running training. Running should not be underestimated! Here are just some useful properties of running:

Run Every Day

Strengthening the immunity

If you often suffer from colds, then running will be your best friend. Running (especially in cool weather) will harden your body and make it more resistant to microbes.

Improvement of blood circulation

Regular running exercises strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their tone, and also normalize blood pressure – whether you have high or low blood pressure. And during such cardio workout, the heart muscle strengthens.

Get rid of depression

During the race your body produces the hormone of joy – endorphin, and this effect is preserved not only during the workout, but also after. And also psychologists say that regular exercise makes a person less irritable and helps with insomnia.

Strengthening the joints

Whoever runs is healthy

There is an opinion that the running load “kills” the knees, but in reality it is not. On the contrary, regular running strengthens the joints – of course, if you run correctly and gradually increase the load.

Burning the fat layer

During and after the run, the active process of lipolysis – the splitting of fat cells – is started. Under the conditions of cardio load, the body begins to spend its “reserves for a rainy day”. So if you want to lose weight, you should start running – however, such training should last at least 30-40 minutes.

Increasing your concentration

It has been proven that people involved in running are able to concentrate on the task faster and more effectively and have increased attention. And running improves the memory!

Strengthening the Respiratory System

The lungs work intensively during the race, saturating the body with the oxygen it needs. As a result of regular jogging, your lungs will become stronger and their vital capacity will be larger.

Improvement of endurance

Runners are always the best

The fact that running requires stamina is no secret to anyone. With each run, your body will push its limits and become more prepared for cardio. This means that your heart and lungs will work better, and you will become stronger and stronger.

Muscle strengthening

During the race, almost all (and this is more than 600!) of the human muscles are used. That is, during the race you swing not only your legs but also your back, abs and even hands. And also the muscles during the race stretch and become more elastic. Not an exercise, but the dream of an athlete!

Charge of cheerfulness

Running is a great way to “recharge” your body with energy before an important event or at the beginning of the day. During the race, the metabolism accelerates, the tissues are saturated with oxygen, which means that the processes in our body are more effective.

And another bonus: in order to run, you do not need any special equipment. So put on your sneakers and go!

How do I start running if I’m bored / cold / hard / lazy / nowhere?

How do I start running

Of course, there are objective reasons when you should not run better – for example, injuries or serious illness (such as thrombosis). But in the vast majority of cases, running will only be beneficial: the main thing is not to start immediately with the conquest of the marathon. Run short distances first and gradually increase the distance – over time you will notice that you run easier and easier, and your body becomes stronger, more resilient, and most importantly – healthier.

Contrary to stereotypes, you can also run in winter. The problem with lack of time is much easier to solve than you think: the key is that you will never have enough time, because there are only 24 hours a day. But it’s worth thinking that in your daily schedule you can shift or optimize to allocate at least 30 minutes – and not even for running, but for yourself, because such a simple workout will bring you great benefits. Various applications will help you with motivation. So it remains the most difficult: to overpower yourself and start!